About Me

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Justin Santiago, BAppSc (Hons), MBA, LLB (Hons) comes from a journalism, market research, intellectual property and strategic communications consulting background. He has recently obtained his Trust and Estate Professional (TEP) title and is embarking on a mission to promote the concept of The Global Citizen.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Branding Made Easy

A company may have come up with an excellent product or service, but if it cannot communicate the message clearly they will remain as a small company with a good product with a limited reach. Just sit down and think about your favourite noodle stall, barber shop or plumber. Do you remember the name of their company or their brand name? Probably not.

Branding sounds like a big word to a small company but it is actually nothing more than targeted, repeated and effective communications about products or services. Branding will go a long way towards communicating your business to the market. A good branding exercise will eventually convert them into customers.

There are many ways to run a branding campaign but we shall narrow it down to the simplest, most cost efficient and effective essentials :-

1. Corporate Brochure
2. Website
3. Name Card

Each of these items carries the same consistent message and is an effective opener to any meeting, conversation or email.

Putting your entire business on paper may not be the easiest thing to do. However it is a MUST to sit down and put yourself in the client's shoes and work out all the details of what is it that you can do for your client.

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