About Me

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Justin Santiago, BAppSc (Hons), MBA, LLB (Hons) comes from a journalism, market research, intellectual property and strategic communications consulting background. He has recently obtained his Trust and Estate Professional (TEP) title and is embarking on a mission to promote the concept of The Global Citizen.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Four Weddings and a Video - The Right to Privacy

A couple interested in getting married approach a videographer and admire images and videos of three weddings under his portfolio. They enter into a cosy relationship until one day they discover their own wedding has been included in his portfolio. Can they ask him to remove it? 

Copyright would usually belong to the author which in this case is the videographer. However there exists a right of privacy with regard to copyright works. This right  enables the commissioner of the videos or photographs (which in this case is the newly wedded but by now unhappy couple) the right to prevent the videographer from exhibiting the videos or photographs in public.

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